Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Session with Juliet - 5 Jan 2016

I had another session with Juliet yesterday. I'd gained 900g, which put me at 66.1 which is the highest I've been in a long time. That said, I weigh with her in the afternoon fully clothed, and I've only ever weighed myself first thing in the morning butt naked.. so I'm probably still under my heaviest weight. I knew I'd gained weight, because I ate so indulgently in Melbourne, but I guess 450g per week over Christmas while on holidays isn't bad at all - probably helped that I had food poisoning half the time there!

She was very impressed with me though, no binges or purges, no restricting, and confronted a few of my rules (such as no leftover pizza the next day). I really like her attitude towards things - she still focuses on health, or realises that it's important and being overweight or eating unhealthy foods all the time are never okay. She also said when I have a baby and put on weight she will be there to support me to lose it again, she said there is healthy ways and I can do it with support, so that's really reassuring.

Overall I feel pretty good about things. I wasn't eating like I'd usually eat because i was away, and I wasn't exercising as much as I'd like, so with the gym back in force and regular eating back in I'm sure my weight will stabilise.

I have been feeling reluctant towards structured eating again, because it feels like so much food, but she got me to look at that and it's not really so much food, and I'm not eating all the time - 3 hours between eating is pretty good, and I'm usually not full because my meals are smaller when I'm eating structured. Plus, I tend to eat bigger meals if it's not structured because I tell myself I'll just not eat afternoon tea, for example, so then I end up eating more, so on an energy level it's probably less, even though it's more frequent.

She also asked me if I think I still need to record my meals. I said yes because I feel flaky at the moment, and it keeps me accountable. Not so much to see patterns or that I'm eating the right things, but more so that I don't start restricting and convince myself I'm not actually restricting.

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