Thursday, 23 October 2014

day 9 intuitive eating blog

Today I really struggled. I couldn't tell if I was hungry or not.  I never felt satisfied and I felt kind of empty but then my brain was telling me not to eat because I want to lose weight. I think I need to move the focus from weight loss to getting in touch with my body, that way if I'm hungry I will eat and I won't have to think about it all the time. I need to figure out the difference between satisfied and unsatisfied.

B: -2 2 gf weetbix with rice milk and half a banana +3
S: -1 skim flat white +1
L: -3 kidney bean, carrot, radish and green apple salad; passion fruit chobani pouch +2
S: -1 homemade gf banana bread +1
S: -2 rockmelon and a carrot +2
D: -2 1 chicken thigh, cos, tomato, cucumber, asparagus, goats curd, sprinkle mayo; 1 bulla choc coated ice cream +3

So the -1 were The times I thought I was hungry but didn't have the growling tummy like I usually do when I'm hungry.

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